Logan Wilcox


Logan Wilcox


Logan was born in Norfolk, VA in 1996 and has been a resident in the St. Louis Area of Missouri for 22 years. He graduated with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Computer Engineering, with minors in Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, and Aerospace Studies, from the University of Missouri Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) in May 2020 and will begin his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at Missouri S&T June 2021. His research interests include nondestructive testing, fault tolerance, and reliability modeling and analysis.

As an undergraduate, he joined the Applied Microwave Nondestructive Testing Laboratory in March 2019 as an undergraduate research assistant. When this group left the University, he transitioned to the Microwave Sensing (Sense) Laboratory in August 2019. As a member of these research groups, he worked on several projects and gained the following technical skills: measuring materials for their dielectric constants and thicknesses, working with synthetic-aperture radar programs, and scanning materials for nondestructive testing analysis. As a result of his work, he is a co-author on a final technical report, Microwave-Based Impedance Assessment of Thin Resistive Coatings Under Thin Dielectric Topcoats, and an I2MTC 2020 conference paper, Characterization of Biodegradable Glass using the Open-ended Waveguide Method.

Position(s) & Affiliation(s)

Missouri University of Science and Technology
United States